Welcome to Attain Zero

Know your Carbon Emissions

Net Zero
Start your journey towards net zero today.

Net Zero and the journey to attaining this goal are getting more and more attention recently and the UK government has pledged the country will become Net Zero by 2050.

Currently large companies only need to report their scope 1 (fuels burnt onsite) and scope 2 (purchased electricity) emissions. But the majority of emissions are in scope 3, which looks at a business' full value chain.

We understand how daunting starting your Net Zero journey can be, especially when calculating scope 3 emissions. We assist companies with this journey and designed this site so you can easily calculate all of your emissions.

Accurate Reporting
Comprehensive calculators for accurate reporting.

Many online calculators use a spend based method to calculate emissions. These work by multiplying the amount you have spent by a conversion factor to give a total for a given emission.

These calculators do not factor in the actual usage of materials. They only provide you with a crude estimate of your emissions.

Our calculator has been designed to use the UK Government conversion factors so you can accurately calculate your emissions based on your actual usage.

Easy online calculators
We make calculating emissions as simple as possible!

Our calculator has been designed to make emission calculations as simple as possible, by:

  • Splitting calculations into individual sections, allowing you to focus purely on one area at a time

  • Letting you select which emissions are relevant, and mark them when complete

  • All sections use the same easy to use calculator style

If you are interested in using our calculator please click here to see an overview of our services or, to request a free demonstration, contact us.

Don't know where to start?
Navigate your net zero journey with our support.

Our aim is always to educate businesses on their carbon emissions, so you understand where your emissions are, and where to focus your reduction efforts.

If you choose our calculator, we will work with you to identify your business' emissions, and give you advice on where to find the required data for the calculations. We will continue to support you throughout your whole journey to Net Zero.

If you would like more information on scopes 1, 2, and 3 then please click here to view our scopes guide. It describes in more detail the different categories of emissions used by the UK government.

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